Thursday, February 7, 2008

What's holding you back?

I have a question for you today. What's holding you back from making a major change in your life, financially?

Is it the fear of having to sell some stuff that is out of control and totally out of line with your income? Major stuff like houses, cars, and toys, such as motorcycles, boats, waverunners, four wheelers, etc.?

I'll be totally up front with you, getting your financial house in order is difficult! When my wife and I sold our house over 2 years ago, my wife stood in the driveway and cried her eyes out as we finished moving out. For me personally, I rarely get attached to "stuff," so selling the house was a commodity that had equity we could use to pay down debt really fast. I'm also the guy that had to maintain the house, so I was somewhat glad to get rid of it. But my wife was sad because we had 3 years worth of memories of our daughters beginning their lives in that home. The only comforting words for my wife were, "Honey, someday we will have a bigger, better house than this." I still believe that to this day.

If we build wealth and become better managers of our finances, we will be able to afford a house in the next couple of years that is a blessing and not a curse.

So, again, we come back to the question at the top of the post, What's holding you back from making a major change in your life, financially? Change is hard. Making tough decisions is extremely difficult, but the end result is going to be awesome!

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