Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What I'm reading right now - Automatic Millionaire (part 2)

Today, I'm continuing with more excerpts from The Automatic Millionaire.

On page 33-35, I really liked what David says in the following excerpts:

Are You Earning More...And Saving Less?

Over the years, I've watched people I love increase their earnings but often not their freedom. I've got one friend who's worked extremely hard and seen his income go from $50,000 a year to more than $500,000. But while his lifestyle has increased along with his income, his savings haven't...He's succeeding at a level that most Americans can only dream about, but in reality he's caught up in the same rat race as a person who earns a fraction of his salary.

What about you? Chances are that you're earning more than you were ten years ago. But are you saving more? Are you getting ahead or running harder just to stay even. Is your income helping you become more free or less free?

Why Most Americans Have So Little Saved

Aside from the equity they may have in their homes, most Americans really don't have any savings to speak of. On average, most of us have less than three months' worth of expenses in the bank.

Why so little? The answer is simple...most of us waste a lot of what we earn on "small things." I put quotation marks around "small things" because the phrase is misleading. The so-called small things on which we waste money every day can add up in a hurry to life-changing amounts that ultimately can cost us our freedom.

I Owe, I Owe...It's Off To Work I Go

It doesn't have to be this way. Most of us don't really think about how we spend our money - and if we do, we often focus solely on the big-ticket items while ignoring the small daily expenses that drain away our cash. We don't think about how many hours we had to work to earn the money that we so casually spend on this or that "small thing." Even worse, we don't realize how much wealth we might have if, instead of wasting our income, we invested just a little of it.

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