Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hey, You. Get a Second Job!

Here's a two-step, fool proof way to get out of debt really quickly:
  1. Control your spending, by getting on a tight, no frills budget.
  2. Go out and get yourself a part time job in order to clean up your mess!

Here's my own lengthy version of my 2nd job story.

Part of the reason my wife and I got into so much debt 4-5 years ago was that I came up with a "brilliant" idea for a business that I could build by leveraging myself with a whole bunch of debt, thinking I could grow myself out of the debt really quickly (kind of sounds like the government!).

You can see my music arranging and typesetting business site at

Anyway, This was a really STUPID mistake, and I don't think the Lord honored and blessed the business (at first) because I was being a horrible steward of His money. When we started doing right things with money (i.e. getting on a tight budget and paying down our debt), the Lord blessed us and I started picking up more and more clients. I started being more and more selective about how much money I was spending on advertising and where I was spending that money.

To make a long story shorter, my business expenses came down and my revenues went up! Any profit that I was making with went directly toward debt reduction and taxes. I was able to use my part-time business as a "2nd job" to generate additional income and get out of debt faster.

Tomorrow, I'll complete my thoughts about the 2nd part-time job and debt reduction.


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