Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Church of Oprah - an Idea Virus is spreading throughout the Christian world right now

I admit from the beginning that this blog post is totally off-topic from personal finances, but I think it's important enough to spread the word.

You may have already had someone send you this YouTube video link via e-mail. Yesterday, my wife received 5-6 emails alone from friends and family regarding this YouTube video about The Church of Oprah. This is seriously scary stuff. If you haven't seen this, yet, I would encourage you to watch the video below.

My wife has watched Oprah for years, and even subscribes to the O Magazine. My wife is discerning and totally understands and comprehends when the opinions she expresses on her talk show don't always "jive" with what we believe as born-again believers. I've always believed she (Oprah) was a "new ager" and never a true born-again believer, in spite of all the loving and generous things she does around the world to help needy people. Just remember that the Bible speaks of Satan as being an "angel of light." Hmmmm, that sounds familiar; anyone ever heard of The Angel Network!

Anyway, check out this video about Oprah, and pass the word on to other believers. Keep this Idea Virus moving!


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