Monday, March 3, 2008

Financial Peace University Update (Session 2)

On Sunday afternoon, we had our second session of Financial Peace University. We had another great day with beautiful weather and good attendance.

The second session/DVD viewing is titled "Relating With Money - Nerds and Free Spirits Unite."

Here's what Dave Ramsey's organization has to say about this second session of FPU:

The importance of working together in relationships and how we handle money is the key to this lesson. Men and women think very differently about money. The "nerd" and the "free spirit" must learn how to work together. Write your budget down, iron out the wrinkles, budget together (with your spouse or with someone who will hold you accountable), and set boundaries. The most common pitfall people face is trying to get out of debt without doing a budget. Always discuss changes with your spouse in a "budget committee meeting."

Another key component to this lesson was a discussion of how to educate your children in dealing with finances. Dave Ramsey's company has a number of resources to help educate your children about money, including his Financial Peace, Jr. kit for kids (which includes a chore/commission chart and Give, Save, and Spend envelopes) and his Junior book series. My wife and I purchased all of these items, and they have been helpful in imparting financial wisdom to our daughters.


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